At Godkin & Brengle LLP, we will never underestimate the potential financial impact of your divorce. Not only have we succeeded in settling many cases that initially appeared destined for costly litigation, we help each client deal with spousal support issues that can determine their financial well-being for the future.
Get a Free Case EvaluationSAN DIEGO CHILD SUPPORT Lawyers
Under California law, all parents are expected to financially support their children. As a result, the state has set up mandatory guidelines to calculate a parent’s child support obligation. While the state guidelines make child support orders more predictable, many cases require complex legal arguments.
If you need help resolving a child support matter—whether you are involved in a divorce, a paternity matter, or a post-divorce situation—you can turn to Godkin & Brengle LLP. Our firm is dedicated to helping clients throughout the San Diego area resolve family law matters. We are here to help you find a satisfactory solution to your child support issue.
Get legal assistance today by contacting us online or at (619) 544-6000. Initial consultations are free!
How Child Support Is Determined in California
Generally, child support is paid until the child turns 18 but may continue until the age of 19 if the child is still in high school. Child support orders may also continue beyond the age of 18 if the child is disabled or unable to support themselves. Support can be terminated if the child marries, is declared emancipated, or is able to provide for their own support.
Child support payments are generally calculated based on:
- The number of children to be supported
- The monthly net income of the custodial and noncustodial parents
- The amount of alimony and/or child support both parents must pay for previous relationships
- The cost of health insurance
- The percentage of the time that the noncustodial parent has physical care of the child
In cases where the calculated support is deemed unfair to either parent, the court may adjust the figure up or down. Parents may also agree to pay more or less as long as it can be demonstrated that they were not coerced into doing so. However, paying less than the state guidelines mandate is not common and it must be shown that the child’s best interests and needs will be met.

Modifying & Enforcing Child Support
In post-divorce cases where it can be shown that support payments no longer reflect the life or financial circumstances of either a parent or the child, you can request to modify the payment. Altering your payment outside the court is not legally enforceable—a court must approve and sign off on any child support modifications.
Child support payments can be enforced by courts through various means, such as:
- Holding the delinquent parent in contempt
- Setting up wage garnishments
- Placing liens on property
- Suspending the parent’s driver’s licenses, other professional licenses, or passports
Whatever your circumstances may be, we urge you to turn to the Godkin & Brengle LLP for knowledgeable and caring legal assistance. We look forward to assisting you!
Contact our San Diego child support lawyers at (619) 544-6000 to get started with a free, confidential, and no-obligation case evaluation today.

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